Charlie Siebert

“Craftsman by heart and professional Farrier by trade”

Completely Customizable!

Custom Hoof Picks made from horse shoes

Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art”
— Leonardo Da Vinci's

Always on Time!

My Final exam horse at Dr. Butlers Professional Farrier school

About Me

As long as I can remember, I have had an interest in the art of ancient trades, and medicine which brought me to into the craft of becoming a farrier. I recently attended a 12 week program at Dr. Butlers Professional Farrier School in Nebraska. I also studied Equine Science and Management at Delaware Valley University. In addition, I have also been a practicing blacksmithing for approximately 6 years.

  • I make an effort to work with your horse and accommodate for their potential issues making them feel more comfortable.

  • I always try to call back as soon as I can, and I’m always open to discussions and questions about your horse(s).

  • Your horses health and balance is my number one focus and priority.

  • I always make an effort to work cleanly, leaving spaces the same if not better than when I arrived.

  • I am always working to improve my skills and knowledge through training and schooling in order to stay on top of the latest news and techniques.